Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ways to Grow Taller - 6 Amazingly Effective Tips to Reach For the Skies

Becoming taller is a wish that millions of people around the world have. From trying out 'miracle' pills to different types of diet and exercises, there are some people who will go to any extent to attain their goal of becoming taller. While there are several methods available, not all of them are known to be effective. The best ways to grow taller are in fact natural and got nothing to do with any kind of pill or surgery.

While there are many who feel that it is not possible to grow taller after a particular age, it is not exactly true. There are certain amazingly effective natural techniques using which you can virtually reach for the skies. Here is a list of the top ways to grow taller using natural methods.

1. Make sure that you sleep well. Adequate rest is important for the body since it will help in increasing the natural production of human growth hormone and its distribution to various parts of the body.

2. For those wanting to get taller, it is preferable that they sleep without a pillow. This helps to the spine to maintain its shape. Sleeping with a pillow distorts the shape of the spine and hinders proper elongation and therefore growth.

3. Most of the ways to grow taller can be incorporated as part of your diet. Make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you feel that your diet is lacking in certain vital ingredients, you can also go in for taking a good multivitamin. Dairy products should be part of your diet too. You will also need to take care to keep your body well hydrated for it helps in the growth process.

4. Running is another simple way to increase your height. Running with ankle weights is even more effective since it helps in improving muscle strength along with elongating the bones in the leg.

5. One of the simplest among the various ways to grow taller is jumping rope. It is a fun way to add a few inches to your frame.

6. Whatever may be the ways to grow taller that you try, make sure that you keep an eye on your posture? Your posture should be erect, while walking and sitting. The chin should be parallel to the floor. Maintaining an erect posture will also help you breathe properly, therefore improving your overall health in the process.

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